GENAU WIE FRÜHER dir. Josia Brezing prod. ARTE/SWR/FABW

Young man leaning outside the window of a car, punching his head
Wide shot of a car driving a small road at night and a figure leaning out the window.
A man standing at night outside his car, looking intently at something outside the frame
A man from behind facing the lights of a car, two other men are facing him.
A man sitting inside a car at night.

Fiction short, 20 min, 2023

Director: Josia Brezing
Director of Photography: Paul Sonntag
Producer: Max Köhler
Production: Filmakademie BW, SWR, ARTE

When Kilian left his hometown in the south of Germany to study in Berlin, he also left his two best friends Lorenz and Sommer behind. When he meets them again by coincidence during a visit to his home, their friendship seems to be revived for a brief moment. But when he opens up to them and tells them about his mental health issues, the evening takes a turn for the worse. Lorenz pokes fun at Kilian and an argument ensues, resulting in a dangerous car accident. The once so intimate friendship breaks apart when it comes to the final confrontation between Kilian and Lorenz.

St. Ingbert Bundesfestival Junger Deutscher Film
Südwest Rundfunk